Party Spotlight: Flying Madness

Welcome Badlanders!

For our first content post, we’ll be sharing with you a deck that works well for the average player. This deck is really fun to play and provides some exciting matches, as you’ll see in a future video.



The Doggos are essentially your direct counters to clones like Rouge, the different Doggo clones, Bomb Birds, and can even used to push back the Drone clones and distract Big Smith and the Bomb Spider. This is perhaps the card you’ll use the least, however, as you have Fire Birds and Doggo House.

Doggo House

The Doggo House can be used the same way spawners are used in Clash Royale: it can be used defensively and can even serve to create a small army if you place a Big Smith before. The Doggo House can also help delay the flying troops from reaching your tower, and by the time they get past it, you might have the Doggos or Fire Birds ready to defend.


Like in every other deck, Spiky is to be used defensively. Spiky is to be thrown to a Bomb Drone, Big Smith, or a Bomb Spider. Furthermore, Spiky can be used to get rid of the flock of Bomb Birds heading your way.

Big Smith

Big Smith is yet another defensive clone in this deck. To make sure you get the most out of him, aim Big Smith so that it stomps the clones you want to counter, such as Bomb Spider, Bomb Golem, and even an opposing Big Smith. If slinged with precision, he can even stomp flying units like Bomb Drone. He can also be used to tank for the tower against Fire Birds. If Big Smith survives, he can be used as a shield for the Doggo House’s spawning Doggos, a Bomb Drone, and the Flying Barrel. Oh, and let’s not forget how it can be used to save you from the Spinning Saw.

Mini Bomb

The Mini Bomb is in this deck mostly to make the deck cheaper and to help cycle to the clones you need. It can be used with Big Smith for some cheap damage, though. Furthermore, the Mini Bomb can also be used to defend against some low health Clones due to its stomp damage.

Fire Birds

Fire Birds are yet another defensive clone in this deck, as it is a great counter to almost all the clones. The Fire Birds can also be used to cycle through your deck and for cheap damage to the tower.

Flying Barrel & Bomb Drone

The Flying Barrel and the Bomb Drone are the main clone of this deck. There’s two ways you can use the Flying Barrel: in front of the Bomb Drone, or behind it. You use the Bomb Drone behind the Flying Barrel once the Bomb Birds have been released. They will serve as a distraction, and the tower will lock onto them, letting the Bomb Drone reach (most of the time) the tower without any trouble, dealing its massive damage. Likewise, you can launch the Flying Barrel after the Bomb Drone, for when then Barrel exploded and released the Birds, they will push the Bomb Drone to the tower. Either way, this push will be troublesome for your opponent.

Quick Summary

Doggos, Spiky, Fire Birds, and at some extent Big Smith are used to defend against your enemy’s pushes, while your main offensive clones are the Flying Barrel and the Bomb Drone. The Doggo House can be used if (or when) Big Smith manages to stop the enemy’s push, so that a small Doggo army builds behind him. The bomb can also be used if Big Smith survives, creating a counterpush.

We’ll be releasing a video with some exciting matches with this deck in the near future!

Deck created by u/Teddy-Westsid3
Guide written by u/Teddy-Westsid3 and u/icearius

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